Future Mapping®
Vibeke Fraling from QiGong Academy talks with Duane about Future Mapping. (Danish)

Group Workshops and Future Mapping® for creating:
( New Strategies, Innovation, Product Development, Organizational Restructure and much more…)
Listen to Dr Paul R. Scheele’s introduction to the Future Mapping® Course. Paul Scheele is Founding Partner at Learning Strategies Corporation in Minneapolis.
I conduct workshops for teams where there is a need to find a common solution to a problem and where it is desirable that the participants are part of the process in finding the solution. Future Mapping® is an amazing tool for making a plan and finding strategies where an “out of the box approach” is sought after. In the process we work with individual and common goals for the future of the organization.
During the process we invite individual ideas and wishes into the project and help find common ground for all involved to realize a motivating common goal for the project. We then go into smaller groups and working with the Future Mapping® chart, and create a fictional story where the brainstorming occurs. This is where the true power and magic of Future Mapping® reveals itself. We connect to the brilliance of our subconscious, through a fictional story, and identify the steps that we need to take to achieve innovative outcomes, that are aligned with our creative genius and higher purpose.
Through the Future Mapping® chart, you create a motivating three step action plan for the defined goal. The process can provide surprising and innovative ideas for solving complex problems, is creative and fun, and makes hidden resources from your subconscious visible.
Future Mapping is different from other methods in two distinctive ways:
- Future Mapping® is based on the unexpected power of altruism “selfless consideration for the welfare of others” The secret to achieving your dreams and goals is to draw on your desire to make another person happy. It’s always easier to mirror yourself in others and as part of the process you create a 120% happier future for someone else. This person doesn’t have to be related to your goal – or even be a real person. You get access to enormous resources, not because you are working towards a goal that will benefit you, but because you are working towards the goal of making another person happy. Your own interest, and all the baggage that comes with it, falls away. Suddenly, hidden resources in you begin to come to the surface in ways that can really surprise you..
- You will link conscious and unconscious thoughts together in the unique Future Mapping® chart to reduce interference from your limited conscious mind. The chart reveals a relevant, practical and creative action plan for your goals. The reason we don’t reach our goals is often a result of our inability to believe that we can really achieve them and will be really good at sabotaging them. With Future Mapping®, which is developed by the Learning Strategies Corporation in Minneapolis, you work with your unconscious mind to tell a fictional story. Then you consciously connect, the fictional events of the story to come up with ideas that are not limited by your past experience and help you think outside the box.
You can use Future Mapping to create a business plan, write a book, resolve a conflict, negotiate a sales agreement, tackle a home improvement project, or find a solution to a software problem. Future Mapping® works regardless of differences in culture, age, language, personal background and professional background. What you learn in this course is very powerful and will help you release miracles into your life.
How it works ?
- Find a desired goal.( Make a wish)
- Define a deadline. (The chart period is divided into 3 sections, ex. 3 weeks, 3 months etc.)
- Find someone you want to make happy.(Altruism)
- Create a story about how the person has become happier during the period
- Find key phrases in the story that refer to an action that can be taken. (Here we work with associations and metaphors)
- Launch with an action you can do right now
- Follow-up.